Why I Love Sponsorship

What’s not to love about sponsorship? You get to help a child who desperately needs your support and form a friendship that can last a lifetime, all while exchanging letters and gifts and even visiting your child in person. How cool is that?!

But we’re sure you have your own unique reason for why you sponsor a child, and we’d love to hear it!

Create an original photo or video – or share a favorite shot from your collection – showing us what you love the most about sponsorship, then share it on one of the sites below. We’ll combine all the submissions into a great big online album and show the world what sponsorship is all about!

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I ♥ Sponsorship

Once you’ve uploaded your photo or video, shoot us an email at enews@children.org along with the link to your post, and we’ll add it to our “Why I Love Sponsorship” page on Pinterest as well as an album we’re creating for www.children.org.

Now go put those creative juices to good work! Just be sure to use your discretion. Avoid offensive and provocative attire, backdrops or language. Remember…it’s for the kids.

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