North & Central America

how our charity programs FIGHT POVERTY IN NORTH AMERICA

Dominican Republic

With nearly 1,000 miles of coastline packed with beautiful beaches and resort getaways, the D.R. is a vacationer's paradise. But travel inland and you'll see the grim results of economic inequality and natural disaster. That's where you'll find some of the poorest communities in the country.

Learn more about our important poverty-fighting efforts in the communities few tourists ever see.


Guatemala's famous volcanic black sand beaches look like a scene from another planet. But far from the waves, a dramatically out-of-balance distribution of wealth means poverty pervades both the rural and urban areas of this country. Crime is high and gangs are so dangerous police refuse to confront them.

Find out how CI is building hope from hopelessness in some of the most dangerous communities in the world.

a group of children standing next to each other


Sadly, a global reputation for criminal activity overshadows the ancient Mayan ruins and perfect beaches Honduras offers. It’s one of the poorest countries in the Western world, with nearly 60% of the population living below the poverty line, often in dangerous communities riddled with gangs and crime.

Find out how our programs provide a welcome escape for Honduran children.


Mexico is a vast territory with a variety of traditions, but the icons that many associate with Mexican culture (think sombreros, mariachi music and tequila) come from the state of Jalisco. In its capital city of Guadalajara, where we focus our efforts, 40% of people live in poverty.

See how our efforts help sponsored families navigate a saturated and physically demanding employment market in Guadalajara.

a group of young girls sitting next to each other

United States (Little Rock, Arkansas)

Little Rock is the charming capital city of Arkansas, with an impressive mix of culture and amenities in a metropolitan area. Unfortunately, though, many of Little Rock’s residents have been left behind, with nearly 20% of families living in poverty.

Learn about our unique partnership with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR).

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