Global poverty and education

facts & stats About World Poverty and Education

The research is conclusive: When we reduce barriers to education, we set children up to thrive. It’s not only about knowledge and numbers, access to education reduces a child’s involvement in gangs and drugs, and lowers the amount of teen pregnancies. Education leads to healthier childhoods and, ultimately, to greater economic prospects as adults. Your sponsorship or gift helps provide children access to life-changing education programs in the communities we serve, as well as crucial health and dental services, life-skills and career-placement workshops, and more.

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Learn about our Education Programs

  • Children who participate in early childhood development achieve higher education levels and make more money as adults.

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  • In developing nations, 60% of 10 ten-year-olds suffer from learning poverty, unable to read/understand simple stories.

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  • For every year a girl remains in school, her average lifetime income increases 10% and odds of an early marriage shrink.

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  • A child’s survival beyond age 5 increases by 31% when a mother has a high school degree, compared to no education.

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  • Despite the shrinking gender gap, 8% fewer girls complete lower secondary school than boys. 

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  • The share of youth not employed or participating in education or job training rose to 23.3%, the highest increase in 15 years.

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  • Global studies find there is a 9% increase in hourly earnings for every extra year of schooling a child receives. 

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  • During COVID, children in Latin America and the Caribbean lost an average of 225 full days of school.

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a woman sitting at a desk in front of a computer

Access to education

We believe providing children access to education and resources ushers them into a world of ideas and knowledge, and creates lasting change in their lives. Supporters provide access to tutoring, computer courses, libraries and more, setting children up for a lifetime of success.


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