Welcome aboard your virtual visit


animate graphic showing people in communities | gráfico animado que muestra gente en su comunidad

Thanks for joining us on this special journey!

Here, you'll meet real people, hear their stories, and see for yourself how impoverished children are creating a better future for themselves — and for all of us.

Ready to depart? You're about to see how your support transforms lives through Children International.

Living in neglected neighborhoods

The communities where sponsored children and their families live are as richly diverse as the individuals who live in them. One thing they all have in common is poverty. Areas like the one you are about to visit in Honduras have minimal resources and are practically barren of opportunities for residents to improve their lives. See some of the daily struggles impoverished residents face.

Swipe to explore more countries

Discover some of the specific challenges our children and families confront around the world.

animated gif that shows communities in poverty | gráfico animado que muestra gente en comunidades necesitadas


Your invitation to visit a child

Visiting with sponsored children is a truly memorable experience. Families regularly face daily struggles that are difficult for many of us to fathom. Meeting them in person helps bridge that gap. Ashly and her grandparents, despite difficult living conditions, remain optimistic and hopeful as they endeavor to improve their lives.


Jessica shares her daily life with us

Meet sponsored youth Jessica as she takes us on a tour of her home. She introduces us to her family and shares revealing details of their daily struggles and triumphs.

animated gif of kids participating in activities | gif animado de niños participando en actividades


Beacons of hope for 200,000+ children and their families

Bustling with energy and bright with optimism, our 67 community centers around the world are often the hub of the community. Offering safe spaces to meet friends, learn, play, develop crucial life skills, and much more, let's head inside and see what's happening in one of our Dominican Republic centers today. Yaseni, Community Center Coordinator, will be our guide.

Welcome 1:20 mins | Dental clinic 4:83 mins | Medical clinic 7:38 mins | Hallway moment 4:59 mins | Library 6:40 mins | Computer lab 6:80 mins | Into Employment 6:13 mins | Sponsor Relations Office 1:87 mins | Youth Building 4:00 mins | Sports Courts 2:80 mins | End of tour 1:23 mins

360 degree iconDive in to see the action in these 360° videos

Immerse yourself in our community centers:
Click and view videos in full screen, then click and drag to move around the room.

animated gif of youth working | gif animado de jóvenes trabajando


Out of poverty and Into Employment®️

Through our employment programs, youth gain access to a wide range of opportunities and resources designed to remove the obstacles poverty has thrown in their paths. Résumé writing, mock-interviews, soft skills and technical skills, career counseling, vocational training, scholarships - these are just some of the ways youth are advancing into the formal job sector. We even connect youth with local employers seeking reliable, motivated workers.

See how our Into Employment program is helping youth reach their goals.


Her employer believes she's a warrior


From disadvantaged child to respected leader

Thank you for joining us!

You are part of a movement that's making a real and lasting difference. We'd love hearing your thoughts and reflections about this experience. Please share them below, and see what other virtual travelers have to say. And remember you can always find more in our stories and videos section


Nov 3, 2022

Great video!!! Thankyou!!! I learned alot!!! Thanks again!!

Nov 9, 2022

Wonderful content! Videos really do bring home the culture, challenges, and programs of CI. Thanks for sharing.

Feb 23, 2023

Keep up the Good Work..God Bless!

Feb 23, 2023

Thank you Children International for that lovely tour!! God bless you all for encouraging the children so they can have a better future!

Feb 23, 2023

A big thank you to the Children International staff that create the many videos that allow sponsors to truly get a sense of what sponsorship means. The countless videos are very impactful.

Dennis & Cheryl_e1bb7
Feb 24, 2023

Thank you for your dedication to helping the youth of the future!
God Bless Your Work!

Feb 24, 2023

Wow great informative videos it’s great to see money well spent. Our first sponsored child was started in 2004 and now we our on our second sponsored child. Keep up the good work. Nick and June

Brooke Schlueter
Mar 20, 2023


Apr 3, 2023

It was so touching to see the communities, children and all the people. You're doing an awesome job and I am happy to share in the joy that I see in the lives of the children. Thank you for the videos. May the Lord continue to pour out blessing to all.

May 7, 2023

Felicidades por su labor esfuerzo y trabajo 👍

May 24, 2023

It was a touching video. Bless you for all you do for these communities and for all the children. I was very touched! Bobbie

Jul 5, 2023

I so appreciate the great work CI is doing to help alleviate poverty, and make a difference in children's lives around the world. The videos are excellent, and give us an "up close and personal" look at how our sponsorship is helping. God bless for your continued success. Larry

Jul 8, 2023

Thank you CI for initiating the virtual visit video program. Watching and hearing some of the young children talk openly about their families' poverty and the hardships it places upon all of its members is nothing short of heart-wrenching. Keep up the good work. We have so much to be grateful for.

Sep 29, 2023

Wow, what a great video and very much appreciated. Thank you to every single person involved in Children's International. From the staff, to the volunteers, to the sponsors, everyone. It's so great to see how life is changing for these kids a day at a time. God bless.

Nov 29, 2023

Excelente trabajo, esfuerzo y dedicación.
Los niños son los adultos del futuro.
Ayudar cuando se quiere se puede,
Unidos somos una fogata que crece, por q muchos somos fuerza.
Gracias children international por la ayuda que brinda a los niños y sus familias.,

Jan 17, 2024

Thank you Children International for the tour!! I'm so happy we get to help these children by becoming sponsors. God bless you for all you do to give these children a brighter future!

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