Out of poverty.
Into Employment.

Over nearly 90 years, Children International has developed a high-impact methodology that equips children and youth with the skills and knowledge to create lasting change in their lives. We’ve also observed that helping young people secure and maintain long-term, sustainable employment is the key to breaking poverty’s vicious cycle.

Into Employment® is our signature workforce development program, from which young people emerge skilled, employed and able to lift their families — and communities — out of the cycle of poverty. Join us in turning potential into possible.



Gisselle, from Honduras, lives with her mother, uncle and five siblings. Her mother generates the sole income for the family through informal work selling used clothing. Without help, Gisselle will have no more opportunities than her mother.

green background with white arrows | fondo verde con flechas blancas apuntando hacia arribapointing up |

The problem we are solving


Youth need

73 million youth could not find sustainable and meaningful work in 2022 — 6 million more than pre-pandemic levels.

1 in 4

Youth are unemployed

More than 1 in 4 young people are not currently employed, being educated or in any formal training program.



Students are
at risk

Prolonged school closures put 24 million learners — from pre-primary to university levels — at risk of not returning to school.

green background with white arrows pointing up | fondo verde con flechas blancas apuntando hacia arriba

Employment is the key

a graduation cap with a tassel on top of it


a purple and orange logo with a white background


an image of arrows going up and down


two speech bubbles




Into Employment and SDG 8

Into Employment addresses UN Sustainable Development Goal 8

The United Nations SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. Goal 8 aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.



Into Employment is working

Give now

Into Employment provides access to education, training, personal development and job opportunities that help create a more sustainable future. To prepare our youth for this future, we teach 21st-century life skills and deliver career coaching and job placement that is relevant to each local workforce in partnerships with more than 100 employers within young people‘s communities. We offer scholarships for university, technical training and certificates, access to STEM and upskilling curriculum.

a group of people in graduation gowns holding diplomas

93% of youth complete our programs.

As high as 86% find employment within 6 months.

a woman in a hard hat sitting in the back of a truck

71% of participants are young women.

a woman sitting next to a woman who is hugging her

Employment often triples families’ incomes.


“Through Into Employment, young people leave empowered. There is a clear transformation in their lives. Employers are looking for Children International graduates. And thanks to this, our graduates can improve their quality of life.”

– Florelena Perez, employment officer, Honduras



Runchie (front, middle), age 14, is the youngest in his family of seven in the Philippines. Without stable work, his parents struggle to keep their electricity on. “Education is the only thing we can give to our children,” says his mother, Rosemarie (at left). “My dream is that they finish their studies.”

Why now

Children International works in areas of dense poverty. Our children and youth are the most vulnerable due to devastating physical, emotional and financial challenges. The global pandemic escalated the conditions within these communities, and since stable employment is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, the need for Into Employment is greater than ever.

See how


Their parents want the best for them. Their communities need them. They cannot do it alone. Will you believe in them?


Join us

By supporting our Into Employment Program, you have the opportunity to transform the lives of the next generation. Together, we can deliver stability, purpose and the promise of a better future for young people, their families and their communities.

Donate now

During a key transition period in the lives of young people like Genesis, age 18, Into Employment fulfills a crucial need. You are how potential becomes possible.

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