Impact that lasts

charity programs that address ALL STAGES OF A CHILD’S DEVELOPMENT

It's a fact: Without the right interventions, children in poverty become adults in poverty …

… and the cycle of generational poverty continues. With your support, Children International works to put an end to generational poverty with a long-term, customized program that stays with children through the first two decades of their lives.

Poverty negatively impacts brain development and well-being

Children and youth growing up in poverty typically lack proper health care and nutrition. They’re also more likely to be exposed to the stress of domestic violence, gangs and drugs. All of this can impair brain development, negatively impacting long-term physical and mental well-being.

Children International contributors invest in the lives of children, helping them get the education, life skills and confidence they need to break free from poverty. The force of their combined efforts starts a powerful multiplier effect that empowers children and youth to change their own lives and futures, transforming their families and communities too.

The right programs at the right time.

We don’t believe in taking a one-size-fits-all approach to helping children. What’s best for a 6-year-old in Zambia is far different than what a 14-year-old in Honduras needs. It’s an approach we call contextualization, which means our programs adapt and change with children’s needs at different ages, matched with the most urgent needs and available services in their communities.

Our programs focus on four key outcomes

a little girl washing her hands


The problem we are solving

Living in poverty can mean inadequate health and dental care, chronic malnutrition, poor hygiene and unsafe sanitation conditions, a lack of education about reproductive health and mental health, and preventable diseases going untreated.


Your sponsorship helps children in our communities by providing health programs that focus on two important outcomes:

  1. Developing healthy habits
  2. Connecting children with services when they need help.

Learn about our health programs

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93,565 medical service referrals and 7,036 dental service referrals paid for.

63,148: Number of telehealth exams provided in that time.


The problem we are solving

In many impoverished communities, children don't have resources like books or uniforms, causing them to fall behind without the support to catch up. Youth drop out of school to support their families and never go back. And entire school systems are understaffed, failing to provide adequate education to the children they serve. 


Through your sponsorship, you help break down the barriers that keep children from kindergarten through high school from getting a good education, including tutoring programs, scholarships, learning spaces, computer training and more. 

Learn about our education programs

92%: Completion rate of those enrolled in our tutoring program, a 12% increase from the year before.


The problem we are solving

To truly end generational poverty, children must have hope for the future and see possibilities for themselves beyond their circumstances. Without life skills or coping mechanisms, they are unable to overcome their environment, thus continuing the cycle of poverty for another generation.


We believe confidence grows as children develop leadership skills, understand social responsibility and take active roles in their communities. Your contribution supports empowerment programs that are specifically designed to teach the value of teamwork and encourage children to make an impact that lasts.

Learn about our empowerment programs

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27,000: number of community members impacted by 70 community improvement projects, led by our youth leadership.

a woman with glasses standing in front of a building

Into Employment®

The problem we are solving


Youth need

73 million young people could not find sustainable and meaningful work in 2022 — 6 million more than pre-pandemic levels.

Source: United Nations, UN News, August 2022.

1 in 5

Young people
are unemployed

More than 1 in 5 young people are not currently employed, being educated or in any formal training program.

Source: ILO/Sida Partnership on Employment, technical brief, 2019.


Students are
at risk

Prolonged school closures put 24 million learners — from pre-primary to university levels — at risk of not returning to school.

Source: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Report, 2022.



Into Employment provides access to education, training, personal development and job opportunities that help create a more equitable future. We teach 21st-century life skills to prepare our youth for the modern economy. Motivated youth also receive career coaching and job placement that is relevant to each local workforce via partnerships with more than 100 employers in young people’s communities.

Learn about Into Employment

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93% of youth complete our programs

a black and white icon of two hands shaking

Job placement increased from 56% to 62% in 2022.

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71% of participants are young women

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Employment often triples families’ incomes

a young man with a smile on his face

I can’t express what the program means to me. They have helped me in so many ways that I don’t even know what I would say. Being [here] has completely changed my life.”

— Wilson, 19, sponsored since age 3, Honduras
Read his story

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