Powerful Teens. Powered by YOU: Zambia

When teens solve problems in their communities, something amazing happens.
Watch them bring joy to disabled kids in Zambia.


CI teens learned that a local home for disabled children was in desperate need of support. Conditions were terrible and food was scarce.


The teens donated bedding and food, and also organized a day of fun activities for the kids. In the process, they learned valuable skills and the importance of giving back to their community.

The steps our teens follow to create change:

By carrying out these projects and seeing their impact, teens learn they can be leaders of change in their communities. 


Jun 10, 2017

Allah is with these children!!! May God bless them each and everyday. Me (Charles J Banks-Fogle) and my Wife (Tsiltiyah baht Yisrael Banks-Fogle) love every single one of you and we pray for God to maintain and exponentially increase your strength to fight off the Capitalist demons that haunt this world.

Sep 29, 2017

You lifted my spirits today with those stories and gave me hope that those who work to make our world a better place, far surpass those who are only interested in themselves!

May 2, 2018

May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless these children so that they can serve those in need just as he instructed us to do.

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