Going virtual for a better future

sponsored youth in Ecuador WIN CONTEST FOR SCHOLARSHIPS

Growing up in a marginalized community in Ecuador, Darla, 17, says that she frequently faced gender bias in response to her interest in soccer and her desire to learn more about computing. Both interests, she adds, remain dominated by men in her community and are still often considered “not appropriate” for women.

Like so many of our sponsored young women, Darla found the support she needed from peers, CI staff and others to help her overcome such hurdles and gain confidence to achieve her goals. Continuing to pursue her passion for computing, she and three other sponsored youth earned scholarships by winning a national contest.

See Darla’s story and hear why she considers Children International a second family.


Jul 22, 2024

To know our sponsorship is improving lives is all that matters. It is worth it! Great to see. I consider my sponsored child a part of "my family" as well.

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