His sponsor’s connection made all the difference

love & mentorship helped him become A SUCCESFUL SPONSOR GRADUATE

Growing up impoverished, without a parent to raise him, Diomedes wasn’t simply lonely; he often felt alone.

Raised solely by his loving grandmother in the Dominican Republic, they often struggled to meet their daily needs. Once Diomedes became sponsored through Children International, he says, he gained confidence and optimism thanks to the love he felt from his sponsor and from CI staff at his local community center. As he grew, he participated in more and more programs. Now a 26-year-old adult, Diomedes' life is radically different — and better. Hear him share his inspiring story!


Jan 29, 2024

Thank you Children International for these Great Videos! Job well done Mr. Diomedes! I'm very Proud to be a part of Children International, and more importantly to be a part of my Sponsor Children's lives. I'm very proud of my Sponsor Girls! I've had the opportunity to speak with my Sponsor kids by Video Call, and that along with their letters, and updated photos, I'm very excited to see their progress. Thank You Children International!

Jul 11, 2024

I am so happy to hear about the benefits Mr. Diomedes felt from Children International. I would love to be in more frequent contact with the many children I have sponsored over t he years, so send me their letters!

Jul 12, 2024

Muchas gracias Children International por tan bella obra y por cambiar tantas vidas, Gracias Diomedes por permitirnos saber de tu experiencia, muchas gracias..

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