Could the 2016 election impact poverty in America?

We’re obviously in election season here in the U.S. It would be difficult not to notice all the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton political ads, the latest poll numbers for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, and the pundits yelling to have their voices heard. All this talk might have you wondering how the changing political cycles correspond with poverty.

how has POVERTY CHANGED over time?


*A widely accepted number. Official U.S. census data on poverty began in 1959.

ranking the 7 POOREST states

(Based on 2014 census data as shown by Kaiser Family Foundation — median income by state.)

the top 3 states with the
of child poverty

(Based on 2014 census data and presented by the National Center for Children in Poverty.)

Statewide, 61% of students enrolled in public schools in Arkansas are low-income.

Children International focuses its U.S. efforts on kids living in central and southwest Little Rock, Arkansas. We work closely with the Little Rock School District and other partners to help sponsored kids break through poverty. CI supporters help us provide high-quality after-school programs, summer camps, youth leadership programs, health education initiatives and access to comprehensive dental care to sponsored kids.

CI’s U.S. sponsorship program operates in Little Rock, where 2,700+ impoverished kids receive life-changing support.


Learn how child sponsorship through CI is working toward eradicating poverty for children in the U.S.!



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