Sponsorship is a family affair

Check out the video of a sponsor and her child talking.

During a recent annual family reunion in Greenport, New York, I realized the value of my family  especially because we’re all over the map. From California to New York, siblings and extended relatives came together for a great holiday weekend. My family made the 1,200-mile journey from Kansas City, Missouri. Connecting with relatives at this reunion was well worth the trek.

Along similar lines, I noticed common traits to a CI-powered innovation pilot project, aptly titled “Sponsor Connect,” in which a group of sponsors are able to connect and interact with their sponsored child via video and two-way comments. Like my family reunion, this pilot is all about the essence of personal connections and people coming together. Even in the virtual world, this is all possible.

Since the launch of the pilot, I have seen the transformation of sponsors. Some who had little or no interaction with their sponsored child became really engaged  so much, that it was like an awakening for them. One sponsor commented: “If not for these videos, Bryce would still be just a name.”

The use of video not only validated the child but also the child’s world, including his/her family and community at large. Sponsors have extended their sponsorship experience to other members of their families. In doing so, they are closing that gap, while giving their sponsored child a slice of their own family life.

To illustrate the power of this exchange, I compiled some of the sponsor/child sessions from the project in this short video:

As you can see in the video, sponsors shared mutual interests, like sports, education and the arts, while involving their children and spouses. In doing so, they have transformed the sponsorship experience into a family affair, making it that much more powerful. Ultimately, this approach bridges the gap in the relationship while validating the families on both sides of the globe. How cool is that?

We also have seen this trend reflected on our social media channels, especially Facebook, Instagram and our community portal, MySocialCenter.

Have you ever shared your sponsorship experience with others? I encourage you to extend your experience with a family member. It will bring your world and that of your sponsored child’s closer, regardless where you live.

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