Healthy kids = happy kids

A lot has changed at CI over the last year. And now, “contextualization” is the word of the day.

Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach to child sponsorship, we are offering programs to help improve the issues that kids in our communities face — which differ greatly from country to country. Now, we are focusing on four key outcomes: for CI kids to graduate healthy, educated, empowered and employed.

So, in honor of World Health Day, a global health awareness day celebrated every year on April 7, we want to give you a more in-depth look at our health initiatives.

CI’s priority health issues

Health and poverty are strongly linked. Health issues are often the factor plunging families into poverty. Plus, the conditions many kids face make them predisposed to health problems.

Teaching healthy behaviors is the key to preventing the common issues — ranging from malnutrition to illness to teen pregnancy — kids face in their communities. Our team members in the field know better than anyone what these challenges are. So, they’ve IDed priority health issues that could be greatly improved with more targeted, high-impact preventive health measures.

So, what are these issues? Click on your kid’s city to find out the priority health issue there, or check out all 15 locations below!

Barranquilla | Bicol region | Cartagena | Delhi | Guadalajara | Guatemala City | Guayaquil | Kolkata | Little Rock | Lusaka | Manila | Quezon City | Quito | San Pedro Sula | Santo Domingo

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