
fighting poverty by providing youth pathways to stable jobs

Our key workforce development program, Into Employment®, provides access to education, training, personal development and job opportunities that help create a fairer future. We teach 21st-century life skills, deliver career coaching and provide job placement that is relevant to each local workforce. With these important interventions, the disadvantaged youth we work with are finding formal work that paves the way for them and their families to escape poverty.

The goal of this final, critical program is for young adults to complete post-secondary, technical, or vocational school equipped with relevant skills for the local job market and to secure formal employment.

We achieve this through:

Employment &

Young adults receive specified training that boosts their employment skills; youth who wish to launch small-scale ventures receive training on business fundamentals.

Students can receive funding for higher education, earning bachelor’s degrees and university-level technical degrees.

Job Placement
Through existing (and expanding) partnerships with other organizations and local businesses, we aim to ensure graduates find formal, adequately compensated positions that are stable and provide social security benefits.


Youth unemployment is a growing global crisis and the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that there are 73 million young people who cannot find work. Youth, and especially young women, have experienced significantly higher employment losses than older workers.

    Here are some of the ways we work to enable employment:

    technical training

    Career readiness


    Life skills

    Job placement


    Technical training

    Scholarships for college or vocational education to prepare a young person for the local job market.

    Career readiness

    Individual support from staff to help create résumés, practice interviewing, search for jobs and connect with employers.

    Life skills

    Youth become confident, strong communicators and value-driven team players — skills that truly set them apart in the workplace.

    Job placement

    We help place our youth in jobs with local companies and provide guidance as they begin their new careers.


    Training on business fundamentals for youth who are interested in launching and operating small-scale ventures.

    Did you know?

    Through Children International’s foundational programming, children in poverty become healthy, confident and educated young adults. And Into Employment is a proven solution that focuses on the key element needed to solve the global poverty crisis: skills and training to enter the job market and gain sustainable employment.

    Learn more about what Into Employment provides

    Children International works in areas of dense poverty. Our children and youth are among the most vulnerable due to devastating physical, emotional and financial challenges. The global pandemic escalated the conditions within these communities, and since stable employment is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, the need for Into Employment is greater than ever.

    Employment is the key


    a graduation cap with a tassel on top of it


    a purple and orange logo with a white background


    an image of arrows going up and down


    two speech bubbles


    93% of youth complete our programs.

    a man standing at a bar with a bar counter in front of him

    As high as 86% find employment within 6 months.

    a woman in a hard hat sitting in the back of a truck

    71% of participants are young women.

    a woman sitting next to a woman who is hugging her

    Employment often triples families’ incomes.

    Programs tailored to fit the need

    Around the world, every community has distinct needs and suffers from its own set of obstacles. In Mexico, the saturated job market makes it difficult for uneducated adults to find stable employment. While in Zambia, one of the most marginalized places on Earth, poverty is so widespread that unemployment is a generational problem with lasting deficits. Our in-country teams assess the conditions in every country we serve and coordinate with local employers to deliver the insight, education, skills and opportunities most needed in each community’s job market.

    Learn more about Into Employment

    How will your support help?

    Children enrolled in our program have access to the right mix of resources, based on location, age and life circumstances. Through sponsorship’s foundational programming, children and youth gain the skills and confidence they need to create promising futures. The last step on a young person’s path out of poverty is employability training that equips them with the knowledge they need for sustainable employment and financial stability.

    Learn more about Into Employment

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