JOURNEYS Spring 2014


Separate but Equal

Overcoming gender bias while escaping poverty requires grit and determination; it also requires support and encouragement.


Closing the Gender Gap

Girls in impoverished countries face disadvantages – but support is changing the norms.

Playing the Odds

Nature starts things out on statistically equal terms, but what happens after birth isn’t always so fair.

Breaking the Rules

Participation in coed organized sports is helping young women score some hard-won respect and recognition.

Peer Pressure ... With Potential

Youth Health Corps participants use peer education and experience to help teens follow the right path.

A Source of Strength

Water is the source of life, but managing this valuable resource can mean limited opportunities for girls.

Surpassing Stereotypes

Youth in CI programs not only overcome gender discrimination – they often exceed their own expectations.

A Life Defined, but Not by Dowry

A young woman proves she’s no one’s property, then sets out to buy her own.

Inspired Voices

An innovative partnership helps Mexican mothers find their voices.

About This Issue: Not So Opposite After All

This edition of Journeys explores how gender issues can define and limit young men and women in the countries we serve. We introduce a group of inspiring children and youth who are using our programs to rise above the pre-determined roles society has created for them to become the kind of independent, socially-conscious adults capable of choosing their own paths.



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