
Alex has been sponsored by an amazing world-changer! His sponsor has created Team Alex and given him a chance to break free from the cycle of poverty, starting a ripple effect for generations. With that support, the future looks bright for Alex!


6 years old 9/18/2017 United States
Poverty in the United States

Children growing up in Little Rock, Arkansas, face challenges we may not think about in other parts of the country. Children with nowhere to go after school are at risk of falling into bad behaviors and dropping out, health care gaps mean easily preventable illnesses push kids further behind, and the struggles of getting post high-school education can drain hope out of even the most optimistic.

That is why we focus on providing programs and camps to give kids a safe place to learn and have fun. We provide access to the health services they need and specially designed youth programs to help equip them with the skills they need to achieve their dreams.

See how our program works and why we focus on health, education, empowerment and employment. 

Learn more about our work in the United States.

How does child sponsorship work?

Your $39 monthly gift gives kids like Alex access to life-changing benefits, like:

  • medical care
  • educational support
  • life skills
  • job-training before graduation.


More about child sponsorship:

How your support helps kids in Little Rock, Arkansas

A quick look at programs currently available for sponsored kids under age 12 in Little Rock.


Kids who attend our after-school program benefit from reading and math support, plus enrichment programs in art, music and physical education.


Our summer children’s choir gets kids interested in the performing arts.



For now, we’re helping kids under 12 grow up healthy, educated, empowered and prepared to take advantage of our scholarship and college programs when they become teens.


where your donation goes

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