Known for: Protecting the organization’s assets; budgeting, planning and forecasting finances; and maximizing our return on investment. With 22 years of experience at Children International (CI), Danielle continues to be a steady, welcoming presence. She has a knack for seeing the big picture while taking care of the organization’s overall financial health.
Path to CI: As a senior accountant at BKD CPAs & Advisors, Danielle mainly worked with nonprofit and health care clients before joining CI. She fell in love with CI’s mission, people and culture, and has been part of the organization ever since. Danielle received her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Kansas State University.
On CI values: “Our value ‘see potential in everyone, everywhere’ connects with me on so many levels. We can all learn from each other. Humility is so important,” Danielle says. “The children we sponsor have unlimited capabilities when given the chance … through the right tools and programs. It’s up to us to be good stewards of our funding to make sure they get that chance.”
Passion: Danielle loves to solve problems and is a big believer in the multiplier effect, both economically and philanthropically.
“One sound financial decision often leads to others,” Danielle says. “Global poverty is a complex problem. Yet, Children International is strategically located in areas where we’re making a difference one child at a time, which then impacts families, then communities and beyond. My favorite part of my job is helping colleagues determine what steps we need to take to achieve our goals five years from now, or even more long-term. I enjoy building models and flipping triggers to help people make informed decisions to set goals instead of relying on assumptions. It helps us all stay on track.”
Personal: Getting her hands dirty in the garden, cooking a meal from scratch and traveling the world are at the top of Danielle’s list of favorites. She feels fortunate to travel, and believes seeing other cultures helps people become more accepting and connected. One day she would love to author a cookbook and dedicate it to her mother, who handed down her passion for farm-to-table meals. Danielle and husband, Chris, have two grown daughters: Beth and Sarah.
“I enjoy building models and flipping triggers to help people make informed decisions to set goals instead of relying on assumptions.”