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My Reason

2 posts
March 24, 2023
So I know a lot of people have their own reason to sponsor a child less fortunate than ourselves. Ranging from its the right thing to do or wanting to help others. 

My personal reason is pretty deep. Someone on here probably has the same reason or similar. But I feel a need to share. I chose to sponsor a little girl in the Philippines because I was born there and adopted by a military family stationed in Japan when I was about 3 months old. Had my dad not gone to the Philippines and chose me, I would be in the same situation as Mariel. Maybe worse, I could have been one of the trafficked girls. 

I do hope to one day to go to the Philippines and do the same thing my father did. I want to adopt a little girl. I have 2 boys of my own, so a girl would be perfect. Hopefully I can carry on the tradition of adopting a child into the family. 

Sponsoring Mariel truly helps me fill the void for now. And I feel a connection to her in a way of being Pinay and born less fortunate. She is so so so special to me, and I let her know in every way I can. Hopefully she will one day truly know that she is special to me and that she is not alone. 

March 24, 2023 in reply to Sosa630
Thank you so much for sharing Tara! You are going to change Mariel's whole world. Thank you for entering her life! 