Use esta guía para escribir las mejores cartas

No vuelva a romperse la cabeza pensando en qué escribirle a su apadrinado. Simplemente llene los espacios en blanco a continuación. Luego use los resultados para crear mensajes para su apadrinado.

  • Mi esperanza más grande es que puedas __________.
  • Cuando yo era niño(a), me gustaba __________.
  • Mi maestro(a) favorito(a) era __________ porque __________.
  • De niño(a), admiraba __________ porque __________.
  • Mis padres me dieron este nombre porque __________.
  • Lo que más me gustaba de la escuela era __________.
  • Me gusta el lugar donde vivo porque __________.
  • Mi día feriado favorito es __________.
  • Me gusta el olor de __________.
  • Mi libro favorito es __________.
  • Lo que más me gusta de ser tu padrino/madrina es __________.
  • Cuando me desanimo, me __________.
  • Mi animal favorito es __________ porque __________.
  • Cuando era niño(a), era bueno(a) para __________.
  • Mi verdura favorita es __________.
  • Algo que nadie más sabe sobre mí es __________.
  • Cuando era joven, mi apodo era __________.

P.D. No hay problema con que escriba cartas breves. De hecho, los mensajes cortos son más entendibles para los niños. Además, un poco de motivación tiene un efecto grande, ¡así que asegúrese de comunicarle a su apadrinado su apoyo!


ago 20, 2017

Thanks for these ideas! Sometimes its hard to think about what to write that my child would understand and could relate to.

nov 23, 2017

This is incredibly helpful and I thank you so much!

ene 24, 2018

Thank you Ashley and Gina. This was such a great help! Love to see more of your works.

jun 10, 2018

This is exactly what I needed! Thank you for this!

sep 21, 2018

Thank you for these wonderful ideas. Lately, I have found myself running out of things to say.

ene 27, 2019

Thanks for the good ideas of what I liked when young.

ene 27, 2019

These ideas are very helpful. Can you make it so we could actually fill in the blanks and have it automatically added to our letters?

ago 16, 2019

All I wanted to do is send an electronic note to Rigarson. Whatever that means. The instructions are too circular and cryptic to follow with any results. I was led to believe it is simple to give a shout to my sponsored child. There's nothing farther from reality for me. Sincerely, Roger 3816720

nov 18, 2019

When writing I always let the child know I am so blessed to know them Honored to help them just as my own child..speaking from the heart
The writing part is not as hard as when I ask questions as to learn more about them..very rarely do they answer these inquiries of
likes and dislikes etc.
The above examples will not be of help and while helpful for some struggling to write.. I find expressing heart more sincere
I am truly amazed and excited for my children's futures and possibilities awaiting them of without C.I. would never happen...
Wonderful..!! Thank God for C.I and Thank You all at C.I for your dedication..May God Bless each of you!!!

mar 5, 2021

like others is hard to think of writing because you cant go over boundaries as to relate to their personal life? because you can give them advise on many things but to teach them more directly on things that cab help them make choices correctly is tricky. the world today with social media and friends is a bad world. is hard just to say basic conversations with out getting into the more personal topics and things like drugs drinking and smoking among other things. is like your having the same convo every time. so i try adding advise and maybe a story while iam at it

nov 30, 2021

i like writing my adopted child letters because he gets to know me!

nov 30, 2021

and its fun.

dic 10, 2021


jul 22, 2022

This is my first child sponsor and don't any experience writing letters to one, I found your suggestions most helpful! Thank you very much.

dic 29, 2022

Great tips for letters. Wish I had seen them before I wrote my first letter to John. I think I covered some of the ideas in your tips. Thanks.

mar 19, 2023

Yes, I love the connection. It’s so important. You guys are amazing.

Cindy & Bill_76f65
may 29, 2023

Thank you for the ideas. It is so appreciated!

nov 29, 2023

Thank you for the ideas.

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