La fuerza de un corazón materno

un saludo audiovisual a LAS MADRES DE NUESTROS NIÑOS

Las madres de los niños en nuestro Programa sacrifican mucho de sí mismas para que sus hijos tengan más oportunidades de las que ellas tuvieron. Y es un momento muy alegre cuando ellas ven a sus hijos reflejar ese amor hacia ellas mismas con palabras de gratitud y abrazos calurosos de sus hijos.

Vea a niños y jóvenes hablar sobre la relación que ellos tienen con sus madres y expresar su gratitud por todo su sacrificio.

¿Cómo muestra usted amor a las personas importantes en su vida?
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may 11, 2023

Very Sweet! Thank-you!

may 11, 2023

Love this!!

may 11, 2023

Absolutely beautiful

may 11, 2023

Thank you for the lovely video message. It is important to tell those we love how special they are to us. Hug them often!

may 12, 2023

Happy moms day to moms everywhere! Shine on everyone!

may 13, 2023

Such a beautiful collage of videos with 100% PURE LOVE and JOY! This a great reminder that despite our different cultural backgrounds, we are all the same on the inside! Thank you, mothers! Your children are blessed to have you! We love you and are rooting for you... always! Happy Mother's Day! ❤️

may 13, 2023

Happy Mother's Day to My Mom who I love very much! Happy Mother's Day to All Mothers of Children International. I want to thank the Staff of Children International who brighten my day with my Sponsor Kids!

may 15, 2023

i want to wish all the moms of Children International a Happy Mother's Day and also thank the staff of Children International for providing me such delightful sponsor children! I am so blessed to have such beautiful children that i could provide for being i don't have children of my own

may 18, 2023

Such a beautiful video of loving mothers and appreciative children. Thank you to the Children International staff who create all these wonderful videos!

jun 15, 2023

These children are thankful for "simple" things. We need more of this in the world. Beautiful to see!

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