Tu impacto en 2024:
Gratitud y esperanza para 2025

Susana Eshleman destaca logros y futuros más prometedores para los niños y jóvenes

Desde Atención y Desarrollo de la Primera Infancia hasta los programas de educación y empleabilidad, te damos las gracias por formar parte de esta experiencia y ayudar a hacer realidad miles de historias de éxito, como la de Lester en Honduras. Juntos, esperamos difundir más bondad en el mundo en 2025.

Tras escuchar el mensaje de Susana, conoce sobre el caso de Lester aquí.


dic 31, 2024

I'm very proud to be a part of Children International, and most important to be a part of my Sponsor Children's lives. Soon I will have 2 of my Sponsor kids graduating from Children International. I'm so proud of their Achievements that they worked so hard to Accomplish. It brings me much happiness to be a part of their Journey. Thank you Children International for bringing my 7 Children into my life. They bring me much joy, and excitement! Thank you Susanna, and Staff for all you do for the Children, and their Sponsors. Job well Done for All your Hard Work, and Dedication. I want to continue to have a good impact, and make a difference in my Sponsor Kids lives! (God willing I hope to continue to make a difference in children's lives when my children graduate from Children International). Thank you for the Great Video!

ene 11, 2025

Thank you for this video. It's great to hear of the wonderful stories that come out of the work of Children International. It helps maintain perspective and remain focused even if the work of CI may not always be at the forefront of the daily life of a sponsor. Videos like this not only motivates me to stay the course, but also to consider other ways I might help. Also, a shout out to the individuals, foundations, and companies that team up with CI to assist in funding; as well as provide services that allow CI to more effectively use sponsor contributions.

ene 13, 2025

THANK YOU FOR THAT GREAT VIDEO! For over 30 years I have partner with CI. It reinforces my commitment to continue in this partnership. One day at a time and one life at a time.
Keep up the good work! And thank you for sharing!

feb 5, 2025

What an amazing journey <3 <3 <3

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