You can help protect them, and restore what they lost in the crisis

Children in poverty mostly escape the severe symptoms of COVID-19, but they are destined to bear the greatest costs. From their family losing income and experiencing food scarcity, to falling even further behind in their education, the futures of children in poverty are under greater threat than ever before. The UN reports that this is quickly becoming a broader child-rights crisis, making the protection of children more crucial than ever. 

Sponsorship gives children access to essential services that protect them from the effects of the crisis, and work to restore what was taken from them. You can help break their cycle of generational poverty.

Protect a child in crisis: Choose &
sponsor a child today


Search for the most needy children by country, birthday, age and more.




Most needy

First name

While all of our children are very needy to be eligible for sponsorship, those with a ‘most needy’ red flag are facing the least stable living circumstances. The criteria to determine the ‘most needy’ flag are related to basic necessities, and include availability of electricity, clean water, sanitary conditions, sleeping accommodations and presence of parents. 

We protect children from futures in poverty. Our mission is more urgent than ever.

COVID-19 isn’t stopping us from getting sponsored children access to essential resources and programs. Much like everyone else, we are finding creative ways to continue serving our communities. Local staff have formed task forces to target their efforts and are working closely with local government authorities, as well as local relief organizations to provide support where it’s needed most.

Children in poverty need your protection right now

Aumento en la tasa de mortandad infantil pronosticada para 2020.

Nuestros médicos están utilizando servicios de telesalud para educar a los niños apadrinados y sus familias sobre el coronavirus y brindarles los recursos necesarios para que permanezcan sanos por medio del lavado de manos y otras prácticas higiénicas.

Fuente: Aggregate Income Shocks and Infant Mortality in the Developing World

de los niños menores de 5 años presentan retraso en su crecimiento debido a una deficiencia nutricional.

A través del Fondo Comunitario Urgente, brindamos asistencia directa e inmediata a niños y familias en nuestras comunidades que han perdido su fuente de ingresos como consecuencia de la pandemia.

Fuente: UNICEF Nutrition Report

1.2 mil millones
de niños y jóvenes han visto clausuras escolares.

Algunos de nuestros programas están siendo implementados de maneras nuevas e innovadoras, como talleres de formación laboral por Facebook Live o sesiones de refuerzo escolar en matemática y lectura por medio de WhatsApp.

Fuente: UNESCO

3 veces
la probabilidad de sufrir depresión y ansiedad.

Mediante nuestro programa de resiliencia, damos a los niños las herramientas para prosperar a pesar de las dificultades que enfrentan. Ellos aprenden técnicas calmantes y maneras creativas de expresarse.

Fuente: British Colombia Medical Journal

What is child sponsorship?

Child sponsorship connects two people — a sponsor with a generous heart and a child living in poverty.

From toddlerhood to young adulthood, our child sponsorship program equips kids with crucial life and job skills to break the cycle of poverty. For good.

Your $39 monthly gift supports

1. A safe place, like 70+ community centers around the world
2. A caring team of local staff and volunteers
3. A path out of poverty through life-changing programs and services.

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