Word Power


For millions around the world, reading is a daily challenge. Find out how we are helping rewrite their stories.

How is Children International helping rewrite stories for the next generation?

Book Distributions

Children International has distributed more than 17 million books worldwide since 2000.

Reading Tents and Book-Box Libraries

Since 2011, Children International's community reading tents have reached 35,000+ children in underserved areas. The program also places book-box libraries in homes that are easily accessible to most community members.

Container Libraries

Container libraries, like this one in Nairobi, Kenya, serve children and youth in remote areas. Converted from a large steel 40-foot-long shipping container and fitted with shelving, storage, furniture and equipment, this CI container library holds thousands of books and serves hundreds of local children.

Libraries in Community Centers

In more than half of our community centers worldwide, Children International offers libraries that serve as a hub of learning activities, including tutoring and writing programs.

Computer Labs

About half of our community centers worldwide offer computer labs with Internet access. Children and youth learn how to type, basic computer skills, Internet use and safety and other technical programs.

Reading and Tutoring Programs

Sponsored youth in Manila, Philippines, push a cart filled with books through local neighborhoods to help teach children reading and writing. This effort represents just one of the reading and tutoring programs facilitated by our community centers.

How is Children International helping rewrite stories for the next generation? Word power.

When children learn to read and write, they harness the power of words and have a voice in their own futures.

Through our literacy programs, your sponsored child can build a love of reading and learning, which can help break the cycle of poverty.

Learn more about our other educational programs.

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